what is vastu


In ancient times the human habitats were generally constructed according to the rules of Vastu Shastra and people lived happily. In those days the members of a joint family used to be content, prosperous and happy. But, today, despite the families being small, peace and happiness remains a far cry. As times advanced, we started ignoring our old culture and tradition. The rules of Vastu Shastra too were ignored. No wonder the people experienced all kinds of troubles.

You will be surprised to note that even today the residents of South India follow the rules of the Vastu shastra and are more peaceful and materialistically and economically more prosperous than North India.
The Vastu Shastra is founded upon the laws of nature. The equilibrium, we observe in the nature is easily perceivable by us in all moving bodies, but unfortunately we are unable to note this equilibrium in static bodies. The significance of equilibrium can very well be noted from the movements of airplanes, motorcars, ships, trains and bi-cycles. The cars are so accurately balanced that even deflation in any one of the tyres, can cause a serious accident if it is running at a high speed. Similarly, when a building is constructed without observing the rules of Vastu Shastra, various calamities,diseases and accidents take place. This is the eternal rule of nature and it has no place for any logic, doubt or debate.


The directions of East and West are important as far as obtaining the energy from the sun is concerned. The importance of the directions of the North and the South lies in the flow of magnetic waves which flows from North Pole to South Pole. Therefore southward portion of every building should be higher than the northward portion.



The selection of site for building construction is very important. Besides, congenial environment, greenery and availability of water, we should also see if the land is suitable for building construction.

Only that land(site), which is raised at the center and inclined towards East or North-East is suitable for construction of the building). According to the Vastu Shastra, the eastward inclination of the land provides us with life-carrying rays of the rising sun.

  • While examining the suitability of the site, at first the soil is examined. It should be solid. The soil that is not solid is unsuitable for building construction.
  • The soil testing too should be carried out at an auspicious time, with a free mind and after offering worship, according to rites, to the dieties of architecture. During digging, if any stone-gem, gold, snake etc. is found, it is considered auspicious.

Methods of Soil Testing

  • According to King Bhoj (the ancient Indian Vastu Specialist), for soil testing a hand deep (about 50 cms) pit should be dug. Then the whole soil should be taken out of the pit and again the pit should be filled with the soil, taken out earlier. If some soil remains out, the site is best, if all the soil is filled the land is good and if the soil is found to be short, the land is unfit. In the second stage, after taking out the soil from the pit, the pit should be filled with water. After filling the water, one should walk for 100 paces at normal speed. If on return the volume of the water remains unaltered the land is best, if it is a little less, the land is good and if the level of water falls too low, the land is unsuitable.
  • The scientific reasoning behind both of these two tests is that the first test tells about the bondage of the soil particles while the second test indicates its looseness. This, too, is insufficient.
  • The land should be higher on the South-West side.
  • The building depicting East-West length is called ‘Surya Vedhi’ and that showing a North-South length is called ‘Chandra Vedhi’ Only the Chandra Vedhi building is auspicious and is also good for economic prosperity. For gardens and lawns both Suryavedhi and Chandra Vedhi lands have been considered suitable. But the ‘Surya’ or Chandra Vedhi lands are not considered, suitable for temples.
    While purchasing a plot of land attention, should be paid to its shape, its angles the position of other buildings and roads on its all eight directions. If there is some deficiency in a plot, it can be made-up suitable by incorporating such improvements as are suggested by expert VASTU SHASTRI and then purchased. If there is no possibility to improve it, the plot need not be purchased.


As far as the flow of domestic water is concerned, it should be borne in mind and that such water should be drained out in North – East. Wells, tubewells, swimming pools etc. should all be in the North-East. The water from the toilets and bathrooms, too, should be drained out in the North- East. The North-East direction is always auspicious and suitable for water. There are sewer-systems in the cities. The Septic tanks or the flow of sewer systems should be towards North – West. The flow of rain or fresh water should be towards North- East.



The direction of Fire is South-East. The Kitchen, fireplace, geysers etc. should be placed only in this direction. Alternatively these could be placed in North-West, because it is at 180 degree to South-East.


The air should enter the building from North -East. All the openings and media for air entry such as doors, windows, ventilators coolers, air-conditioners, verandahs, balconies etc. should be in this directions.



The open sky influences greatly. We can get the effect of terrestrial-energies uninterruptedly. But the buildings prove a barrier to the effects of open sky. Therefore, the importance of roofs or lawns gets emphasized, but the Vastu shastra has refrained from deliberating in detail over it, because it is related chiefly to building construction and we will discuss only this aspect. Traditionally every house in India used to have an open space (Court Yard) in the center of the house. It provided the dwellers not only the open sky but also sunlight and cross-ventilation of air.

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